November 16, 2017

Can Nissan Doors Withstand the Test of Time? (w/ Video)

Ever wonder how often the average car door is closed in 10 years? About 45,000 times. Many of those closures can harder than your average slam.

Daily life is tough on doors. So Nissan engineers devised an ingenious way to make sure they withstand the test of time.

At Nissan Technical Center North America (NTCNA) in Michigan, it’s Mrs. Doorboto – also known as Rosie – who is the door-slammer-in-chief.

Rosie is a 1.5-ton door-durability robot, and in just three days, without need of a break, she opens and closes a door as often as a typical customer would in 10 years.

While it may be a rough life for a door at NTCNA, this rigorous testing ensures top quality and durability for Nissan customers.

And for that we say, “Domo arigato, Mrs. Doorboto.”


  1. Current Nissan Xtrail is such a promising compact SUV, same as dying Sylphy. The problem with nissan is their branding image here in the Philippines,it stop to where it was... 1990's.
    Now Im deciding to get a nissan, and I know its going to be a reliable but boring experience.

  2. That may be the only thing left in 10 years, the cringe-worthy part is their CVT.


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