April 4, 2022

The Philippines Is One Of The Most Stressful Countries To Drive In

Is driving on our roads stressing you out on a daily basis? Well, apparently, you’re not alone. According to a study done by insurance aggregator Confused.com, the Philippines has one of the most stressful roads in the whole world.

The survey takes into account factors such as road quality, congestion levels, number of speed cameras, and road traffic fatalities before giving each country an overall weighted score (out of 100). Information was sourced from organizations such as The World Economic Forum (for road quality), and The Economist and CIA for number of vehicles and road network in kilometers.

A total of 48 countries were analyzed and ranked with the Philippines ending up in 13th place (68 out of 100). This makes us the second most stressful country to drive in Southeast Asia with Malaysia (72) just above us ranking in 8th place. United Arab Emirates taking the number one spot (88), followed by Bulgaria (80), Turkey (78) Italy (76), and Hong Kong (76).

In the study, the Philippines scored a big fat zero when it comes to the number of speed cameras per kilometer, while the quality of infrastructure scored a paltry 44.8 out of 100—which makes us the 8th worst country in the world with Iran and The Czech Republic both scoring better (so much for Build, Build, Build). There have been 9.69 fatal accidents here per 100,000 people, while 16 cars are crammed per kilometer of available road.

On the flipside, Denmark is the least stressful country to drive in scoring just 27 out 100. They are followed by Finland (27), Japan (28), Spain (28), and Saudi Arabia (29).


  1. Definitely stressing: people cutting you off, zero use of signal light, motorcycles and even jeepneys trying to squeeze through a millimeter of road space, counterflow here and there, pedestrians not using ped xings and flyovers, road rage (yep, been middle-fingered on the road even though they're the ones violatng traffic) and all sorts of things you have to endure.

    If we all have to think deeper, you'll definitely observe that indeed, the road is basically a microcosm of the daily Filipino.

  2. Ph govt: "the problem is too many private cars. we must implement coding schemes"

    NO IDIOTS. problem is not the cars, theyre the result. the problem is lack of reliable public transportation and a good system of maintenance. if you create edsa bus carousel. u better make sure atleast 1 to 2 buses passes by that lane every 5mins. u better make sure that sacrificing 1 whole line will be worth it!!!

  3. you cannot stop the volume of cars, we need better, bigger roads, road networks, more and better public transportation. Doing number coding or color coding is just going around the problem, But the problem is still there.

  4. The Philippines is poor. No surprise that its infrastructure is poor. Adding insult to injury is the poor driving habits of your typical Filipino driver. On a rating of 1 (worst) to 5 (excellent), my driving experience in the Philippines is a zero. Okay, make that 0.5. And that's coming from someone who has traveled/worked/lived in two dozen countries.

  5. Philippines is the worst when it comes to driving. Lack of education, discipline, and concern for others on the road. Filipinos are not confrontational, untill they start driving a vehicle.


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