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May 12, 2024

Sick Of Long Lines At Skyway And NAIAX? Blame Motorists With No Or Insufficient Load

SMC Infrastructure is calling on motorists using the Skyway and NAIA Expressway to ensure their Autosweep RFID accounts are sufficiently funded to avoid traffic delays.

From May 1 to 7, inadequate or zero balance in RFID accounts contributed significantly to congestion, affecting 115,785 transactions or about 28 percent of the total during that period. Check the full breakdown:

The company emphasized the importance of keeping RFID accounts adequately funded to significantly reduce queue times at toll plazas. “We apologize for any inconvenience and are committed to improving traffic conditions. Maintaining sufficient funds in RFID accounts is crucial for smooth operations at toll plazas,” SMC Infrastructure said.

To further enhance traffic management, the company is advocating for stronger enforcement measures to deter habitual non-compliance from repeat offenders.

Currently, the Toll Regulatory Board’s (TRB) standing order is to defer penalties for motorists with insufficient funds or those who have not transitioned to the electronic toll collection system and continue to pay in cash.

Despite a high adoption rate of 97 percent for electronic toll collection, cash payments still slow down the processing times at toll plazas.

“While we continue to encourage our users to ensure they have sufficient balance or register their vehicles to Autosweep, many still do not fully utilize the system. Unfortunately, this has a significant impact on other motorists, especially when combined with other factors such as the limited carrying capacity of expressways and higher vehicle volumes during peak hours,” the company added.

SMC Infrastructure also said the read rate for its RFID system is 99 percent when stickers are properly functioning. However, this efficiency can be compromised by defective stickers due to wear, tear, or dirt.

Motorists are advised to regularly inspect their RFID stickers and utilize the free replacement service available at any Autosweep RFID office or major toll plazas to ensure optimal functionality. The company also advises against tailgating and recommends maintaining a safe distance between vehicles to avoid RFID malfunctions and ensure smooth toll transactions.

During periods of extreme congestion, SMC Infrastructure raises toll barriers when queues exceed 500 meters, allowing free flow of traffic while continuing to record transactions for subsequent billing.

Looking ahead, SMC Infrastructure plans to widen roads and add more toll gates to accommodate increasing traffic volumes and enhance overall traffic management. The company is also conducting a dry run for an automatic license plate recognition system to operate alongside the existing Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) system. This integration aims to streamline toll processing and further reduce congestion.


  1. Manila problems. Can't relate.

    1. True, kalabaw drivers can't relate.

    2. ^
      So every place outside Metro Manila = Farm land?

    3. Ahh manila, the kamote drivers capital of the philippines.. we karabaw drivers really can't relate.

    4. Para sa pamunuan ng naiax skyway dati mabilis at maganda pa dumaan Ngayon mala empeirno na yun lng

  2. 1. Let accounts go down to -1000 pesos.
    2. Next time these pests pass and they haven't settled, there should be police nearby to arrest the motorist of qualified theft.

  3. Traffic ConstableMay 13, 2024 at 8:56 AM

    I notice in KL (around 90's), toll gates there is no need to stop at the gates. In some parking lots in the world, there is no need to have the gates manned, just go in and out the parking space. Would be nice if barriers are a thing of the past. But this means most vehicles passing thru should have valid load in their cards. If card readers are consistently accurate in reading them, maybe an auto load (post paid) system be in place so no need to worry about insufficient load last minute. Lastly set up a test station for old or older RFID stickers to ensure they are still good to use and free stickers if need to replace or relocate these stickers.

  4. di rin, daming times may load naman tapos di gagana rfid or sobrang bagal madetect. palpak sistema

    1. Not unless the claimed 99% successful read rate is wrong. RFID at Toll Gate is not new technology so this should have been near flawless already unless we are using cheap readers.

    2. As a daily user, I'd say most cases you have to take out your card and wait for the staff walk from another booth to freaking scan your card.

      Bulok. But we have no alternative.

    3. Daming satsat. Mga kamote din naman kayo. Pustahan.

  5. maybe the government should be strict about the 500 meter traffic policy, its not being implemented for both north and south expressway. The systems by these operators are years behind from the states and Europe. traffic happens even before peak hours.

  6. once the government implements re 500 meter rule, which is to allow cars to pass the toll gates for free for 5 minutes, I'm sure these toll operators will fix their system and have more accessible outlets to secure RFIDs and loading stations. Right now where are those "stations" nada!

  7. Ask BBM and/or RSA why like that.

  8. SMC and TRB are under the great illusion that we live in a perfect world where everything works flawlessly. Their RFID system reads 99% of the time IF the stickers are functioning, doesn't wear and tear and are free of dirt which is absurd. 99% is also very poor since it fails to read properly 1000 vehicles per 100,000 so nothing to brag about and the motorists should not be blamed for their inefficiency. They should maintain a cash lane where people can still pay cash and or reload. The thing is they want total control of our mobility.

  9. Private business taking advantage of the government's failure to construct the needed roads that should be used for free as they keep paying taxes for everything.

    1. its ok at least we have express ways, govt not good on building new roads, govt best on destroying still usable roads and pay the favored contractors to rebuilt it. Only in the philipinas...🤑🤑🤑

  10. Switch to Postpaid ETC then.


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