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January 14, 2025

NAIAX, Portions Of Skyway Stage 3 Speed Limit Increased To 80 KPH

SMC Infrastructure announced an increase in the speed limit on the NAIA Expressway (NAIAX) to 80 km/h from 60 km/h effective January 15, 2025. Similar speed limit adjustments will be implemented on straight sections of Skyway Stage 3 starting January 20, 2025. These adjustments follow a comprehensive study conducted by the company’s traffic safety managers.

“This change will make travel on NAIAX and Skyway Stage 3 faster and more efficient for everyone,” said SMC Chairman and CEO Ramon S. Ang. “We have carefully studied this to make sure that it benefits motorists while prioritizing safety.”

Ang added, “This also complements the ongoing reconfiguration of exit plazas at NAIAX, which should allow for less congestion and help improve motorists’ experience on the expressway.”

However, Ang stressed that the 60 km/h speed limit will continue to be enforced for all motorists on curved sections of both expressways.

“This is to maintain safety, as we do not want to put any motorists at risk of accidents due to miscalculation or oversteering, especially where there are sharp curves, given the limitations to the design of both the NAIAX and Skyway 3,” he explained.

Ang further elaborated that right-of-way issues during the construction of NAIAx and Skyway Stage 3 forced redesigns of some sections and even a number of access ramps, due to very limited space. As a result, portions of both expressways have sharp curves where motorists need to slow down.

To ensure compliance, Ang said traffic patrollers equipped with radar speed guns will continue to monitor and issue citations to motorists caught violating the speed limits. All traffic patrollers are deputized by the Land Transportation Office (LTO) to apprehend erring motorists at exits, confiscate their drivers’ licenses, and issue temporary operator’s permits.

“We appeal to our motorists to observe speed limits at our expressway facilities for the safety of all,” Ang concluded.


  1. Nice move although priority is safety 60kmh is just too slow for that road 80kmh is just right. I think expressway also must be adjusted to 120kmh in some sections

    1. less speed means more gasoline or diesel consumption, who will benefit

  2. Some people value time over fuel consumption. My time is definitely worth more than the fuel I'm going to save.

  3. Not really about the speed limit, but i remember there is an article about SLEX widening to be completed End 2024. I posted that it cannot be completed by that time. Well i am vindicated in sharing my opinion


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