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January 30, 2025

Jetour Auto PH Achieves 67 Percent Year-On-Year Growth

Jetour Auto Philippines Inc. (JAPI) continues its steady growth in its second year of operations, achieving sales of 1,702 vehicles in 2024. This number represents a 67 percent year-on-year growth for the brand in the country, or 684 units more than 2023 sales of 1,018 units.

Nearly a third of JAPI’s overall sales in 2024, or 32.01 percent, has been attributed to the market take-up of its first 4x4 SUV, the Jetour T2. Introduced in March 2024, it sold a total of 548 units. At the 9th Philippine International Motor Show, the T2 Terminator joined the line-up.

JAPI Managing Director Miguelito Jose credits the company’s all-out initiative to expand and enhance the brand’s presence and market engagement in order to remain top-of-mind in an industry that has been witness to an influx of new global players.

“The year 2024 was all about stepping up our digital and traditional marketing efforts, cross-industry partnerships, sales programs, aftersales, and dealer support systems to complement our current lineup and the introduction of new models,” Mr Jose enumerated. “Jetour vehicles are in and of themselves designed and engineered to world-class standards. We’re here to ensure that every vehicle becomes an integral part of the Filipino mobility ownership and lifestyle experience,” he added.

“Expect even bigger, more exciting mobility experiences from Jetour Auto PH this 2025 with the introduction of hybrid and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). An exciting lineup of vehicles will be introduced, new dealerships will be added, more tie-ups and partnerships forged, and a series of sales promos and special display events and roadshows will be held. Filipinos will see much more of Jetour this year,” Mr. Jose declared.


  1. Basically sells SUV, no cars Uly

    1. You forgot about the Ice Cream EV haha

    2. In 2024, they sold 199 units of that...that's still 12 percent of their total number.

    3. Uly would you have a review of the Ice Cream?

    4. Errrr...not yet, no. Hahaha. Kinda afraid to test drive that one. But we'll try to still schedule one if it's available.

  2. SUV EV dominant seller. Good niche

  3. T2 hype is over, sales now going down. The hype is now on byd sealion 6

    1. You sure about that? We're buying both the Jetour T2 and the BYD Sealion 6. Jetour will be launching the PHEV variant of the T2 in the coming months which we are buying along with BYD Sealion 6.

      Talking to our Jetour agent which is the General Sales Manager of the Jetour dealership we've placed a reservation, there's still high interest on the T2 and Dashing, especially with the upcoming T2 PHEV. The upcoming T1 PHEV also attracts high interest among Jetpur buyers.

    2. Wow lakas ng loob ah. I wish I had your guts to risk my money on Chinese cars because some of them are actually very compelling. The sealion 6, yes. The T2, hell no.

    3. What made me decide on the T2 are actual experiences of 2 friends who have Jetours (T2 and Dashing PHEV) as their daily drives for more than 6 months and more than 10k kms. They have no problems with their respective Jetours.

      Let me also point out that the Jetpur T2 is also very popular the Middle East, specifically in the UAE and Qatar. A client of mine also owns a T2 in Dubai for more than a year already and uses it daily. No problems as well, it even survived the flood in UAE last year.

      And by the way, Tito Sotto with his love for the Mercedes Benz G Class won't be the 1st owner of the Jetour T2 here in the Philippines if he knows Jetour is problematic. He's been spotted using the T2 daily going to the TV5 studios for Eat Bulaga

    4. Your points are more of a chizmiz /gossips, maritez.

    5. And you put your bet on jetour general sales manager? Well, he probably the most biased sourced regarding jetour😂😂😂

    6. Tito Sotto can buy and drive whatever vehicle he wants and no one would bat an eyelash because he's Tito Sotto.

      Don't get me wrong, I really like the T2's appearance (mainly because it copied 95% of the Defender's design), which is also exactly the main reason why I wouldn't consider owning one.

      Maybe if I owned a Defender, sure why not. I'd drive the Defender on weekends and use the T2 as my daily. Until then, I wouldn't be able to shake off the feeling that I only bought a T2 because I couldn't afford a Defender in the first place. But then again, that's just me and my ego talking.

    7. You Anonymous people bashing Jetour, can I ask something? Do you guys have the means to buy one?

      Let me point out that our garage consist of 2 luxury cars (Lexus and BMW), 3 Toyotas, 1 Nissan Navara that's my daily drive, and a Hyundai. Getting a Jetour and a BYD are big gambles on our part since they will be our first Chinese cars. So what's wrong if we're buying a Jetour then? If 2 of my friends are happy with their respective Jetours (they also have European luxury cars), that's what made me decide to get a T2 i-DM that's soon to be launched.

      And I'm not stupid to bet on what my Jetour agent told me.

      End of discussion and don't meddle with my decision.

    8. O sya sige na bro.

      We're so happy for you.
      Congratulations and more Jetours to come!

    9. Ok lang, di naman masyadong mayabang😁😁😁

    10. Clearly triggered because you had to use the I'm-richer-than-you card. Maybe you are, maybe you aren't. What doesn't change is the fact that you bought that car because it looks like a Defender. Not because it was highly recommended by your "rich friends"; not because it's durable and reliable as supposedly attested by your "rich friends", but because it looks like a freaking Defender. The mere fact that you're trying to justify your purchase to random internet people (Oh, Tito Sotto also bought one so it must be good, he loves G-wagons, it's very popular in the UAE, I have a bmw and a lexus too, I love rainbows and sunsets on the beach, blah blah blah), just goes to show how insecure you really are about your purchase.

      With that being said, congratulations on your new Defender T2!

    11. Detour T2 small engine wont last long for its heavy weight

  4. Sales of entire Jetour almost same lang sa sales Honda crv hybrid model. Maybe sa honda lineup crv hybrid is the worst performer or maybe brio


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